ageratum amaranth basil broom corn celosia cosmos dahlia dusty miller elaegnus eucalyptus

eunonymous foliage hairy balls hibiscus lisianthus marigold mexican sage mountain mint

fall flowers are legendary

millet ninebark ornamental peppers persimmon branches (fruit) raspberry foliage

scented geranium foliage sea oats sedum shiso silver shield sunflower tuberose zebra grass

Our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) flower share is a chance to support our work now, while we are busy seeding and planting, pruning and mulching, so when spring blooms and we are even busier harvesting and bunching and weeding you have a guaranteed spot to enjoy the beauty we produce. CSAs provide growers with capital during the winter, and also help us plan for the next season. We’ll allocate blooms just for you!

We are so excited to offer a collaborative share for 2024. You’ll get to receive four rounds of blooms from all nine of our grower-owners. Our CSA will be a mix of bouquets and straight bunches, featuring the very best spring has to offer. Each week you’ll be experiencing new, long lasting, stunning flowers, carefully grown and artfully designed.